Possibilities for master's and PhD studies at the University of Ljubljana
The University of Ljubljana invites you to an online session, which will be held on 10 April at 2 pm CEST. During the event, they will present you useful information about master’s and PhD studies at the University of Ljubljana, living…
Information days of the University of Ljubljana
We are pleased to share an invitation to online presentations of studies at the University of Ljubljana. Dear prospective student, You are welcome to join online sessions that will be held on 27 February 2023. We will present the Slovenian educational system, study possibilities…
Study in Slovenia - presentation of Slovenian universities (February 2023)
The Study in Slovenia team invites you to an online presentation of studying in Slovenia. The presentation for Slovenians abroad and around the world will take place on February 16, 2023 at 2 p.m. (CET). You will obtain useful…
Štipendije za tečaje slovenskega jezika
Leto, ki se je pričelo, je lahko odlična priložnost tudi za obnovitev, nadgraditev ali pa začetek učenja slovenskega jezika. Tudi letos Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu skupaj z Ministrstvom za izobraževanje, znanost in šport, Zavodom…
61st Slovenski Dan at the Slovenian Summer Camp
Sunday July 3rd, 2022 started out feeling like a special day. The sky was bright blue, the air was a comfortable 20 degrees, and there was plenty of people buzzing around the hall. The flags lined up along the road…